April 16, 2007, 3:03 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Tokyo movie fans were rewarded today with the gala world premiere of the newest ‘Spiderman’ movie, the third installment in the blockbuster franchise.

Hundreds of fans screamed as a Spiderman appeared on the ceiling of the fashionable Roppongi Hills shopping and arts complex and crawled onstage onto the red carpet.

Rocking a light pink sleeveless dress (despite the chilly weather), Kirsten Dunst accompanied her costar Toby Maguire to the world premiere.

Looking more like curtains than cutting edge couture, Kirsten’s light peach gown proved incredibly unflattering on her petite frame.

16 Comments so far
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awwww…Kirsten looks pretty & I love her dress. I don’t know why she gets so much shit. She seems pretty normal. I could hang with her.

Comment by spinner

I think Kiki looks horrible!

Comment by parissucksliterally

the color is good, the dress is bad. she looks pregnant and it’s too old for her. she looks cute otherwise.

Comment by dottcomm1

Don’t you love it when a movie premieres in Asia first? That means better quality bootlegs and usually no backs of heads in the shot!

Comment by Barks

She could have brushed her hair at least.

Comment by Becca

Why is KD famous? She’s untalented AND ugly.

Comment by Anonymous

Maybe if kiki had better POSTURE, the dress would hang better, but alas, she looks pregnant and really rather unelegant.

Comment by 4PetesSake

I don’t think her dress is ugly, really. I like the lines of the dress even though it doesn’t show off her figure. Her hair, however, is atrocious!

Comment by Brandy

The only female of the cast, she should be the center of attention at least. This dress is ok, for someone else. She looks pregnant, no jewelry and don’t get me started on the hair.

Comment by Shoe_freak

I agree with most everyone above–it’s not the dress, it’s the way Kiki is wearing it. Where is her jewelry? WTF is up with the PURPLE eyeshadow? Her lipcolor is all wrong as well. And would it kill you to have your hair done?

Get your snaggleteeth fixed PRONTO. And stand up straight, for the love of all that is holy!

Comment by just askin'

horrible horrible dress. Unless you’re pregnant.

Comment by Ren

She is so dirty looking. yuck.

Comment by Anonymous

she looks awful (as usual!) and there is something about tobey maguire that really puts me on edge.

the only pics i can look at and not feel dirty are the ones with james franco!

Comment by SAS

Damn, James Franco is hot!

Comment by Randi

Kirsten looks awful. Awful dress too. I still don’t get why is she famous.

Comment by Agustina


Comment by cameron

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